Kokuyo Camlin is the pioneer and leading manufacturer of art materials and stationery products in India. We always encouraged and promoted art in Indian schools through various activations, spearheaded by Camel Art Contest which was started in the early seventies.
As an Indian, you may have fond memories associated with this contest. We have been fortunate to touch the lives of millions of creative and innovative Indians over the last 40 years.
In 2011, Camel Art Contest even made its place in the Guinness Book of Worlds Records as the largest art competition with participation from 4.8 million students across 6,601 schools. Now, our legacy only continues to grow. In 2021, we received unbelievable participation of 5.1 million students from around 6,565 schools.
What makes us special?
Designed to nurture creativity in children and motivate them to think innovatively, the contest is conducted with a fair and impartial judging process. This immense professionalism bestows the contest with unparalleled credibility.
In our mission to promote art and the power of creativity, we want to make the Camel Art Contest as inclusive as we can.
How does the contest work?
Each year, we invite students from pre-school to 12th standard to participate in 6 groups that are assigned unique topics. All entries compete and the School Level and the winners go on to the Zonal Level before finally competing at the International Level. We even offer trophies to honour the schools that have the best performance at a regional and national level.
Kokuyo Camlin thanks all students, parents and educators for their wholehearted participation in the Camel Art Contest.